Wykaz publikacji wybranego autora

Józef Spałek, prof. dr hab.

profesor zwyczajny

Akademickie Centrum Materiałów i Nanotechnologii
ACMiN, Akademickie Centrum Materiałów i Nanotechnologii

Identyfikatory Autora Informacje o Autorze w systemach zewnętrznych

ORCID: 0000-0003-3867-8493 połącz konto z ORCID

ResearcherID: brak

Scopus: brak

OPI Nauka Polska

  • Effect of thermodynamic fluctuations of magnetization on the bound magnetic polaron state in ferromagnetic semiconductors
  • $H_{2}$ and $(H_{2})_{2}$ molecules with an \emph {ab initio} optimization of wave functions in correlated state: electron-proton couplings and intermolecular microscopic parameters
  • High-temperature superconductivity in the two-dimensional \emph{t}-J model: Gutzwiller wavefunction solution
  • Properties of an almost localized Fermi liquid in an applied magnetic field revisited: a statistically consistent Gutzwiller approach
  • Spontaneous appearance of nonzero-momentum Cooper pairing: possible application to the iron-pnictides