Wykaz publikacji wybranego autora

Józef Spałek, prof. dr hab.

profesor zwyczajny

Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology

Identyfikatory Autora Informacje o Autorze w systemach zewnętrznych

ORCID: 0000-0003-3867-8493 połącz konto z ORCID

ResearcherID: brak

Scopus: brak

OPI Nauka Polska

  • Extended Hubbard model with the renormalized Wannier wave functions in the correlated state II: quantum critical scaling of the wave function near the Mott-Hubbard transition
  • Ferroelectric-ferromagnetic correlations in $BiMnO_{3}$ perovskite within Landau theory: comparison with experiment
  • Superconducting Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer versus Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov states of heavy quasiparticles with spin-dependent and Kondo-type pairing
  • Unconventional superconducting phases in a correlated two-dimensional Fermi gas of nonstandard quasiparticles: a simple model
  • Unconventional superconducting states of an almost localized fermionic liquid with nonstandard quasiparticles: generalized Gutzwiller approach