Wykaz publikacji wybranego autora

Edeltrauda Helios-Rybicka, prof. dr hab. inż.


Wydział Geologii, Geofizyki i Ochrony Środowiska
WGGiOŚ-koś, Katedra Ochrony Środowiska

Identyfikatory Autora Informacje o Autorze w systemach zewnętrznych

ORCID: brak

ResearcherID: brak

Scopus: 6701375596

OPI Nauka Polska

  • Contaminated sediments at the Zn-Pb and Cu mining and smelting industries areas in Poland – do we need specific management strategy?
  • Distribution of ${Zn}$ and ${Pb}$ in soils in the vicinity of non ferrous industrial waste sites at the examples of Bukowno (Poland) and Mansfeld (Germany)
  • Heavy metals in the water-soil system at the industrial landfills surrounding of the nitric plant in Tarnów
  • Impact of the Nitric Plant in Tarnów (southern Poland) on the contamination of surface water system with heavy metals
  • Quality assessment of the rivers system in the vicinity of the nitric plant in Tarnów, Poland