Wykaz publikacji wybranego autora

Andrzej Haładus, dr inż.


Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection

Identyfikatory Autora Informacje o Autorze w systemach zewnętrznych

ORCID: brak

ResearcherID: brak

Scopus: 25923960300

OPI Nauka Polska

  • Modeling the pollutants migration in ground-water environment with consideration of concepts of reducing the adverse impact of a post-mining wastes / Katarzyna Niedbalska, Przemysław Bukowski, Andrzej HAŁADUS // W: SGEM 2015 : ecology, economics, education and legislation : 15\textsuperscript{th} international multidisciplinary scientific geoconference : 18–24, June, 2015. Albena, Bulgaria : conference proceedings. Vol. 1, Ecology and environmental protection. — Sofia : STEF92 Technology Ltd., cop. 2015. — (International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM ; ISSN 1314-2704). — ISBN: 978-619-7105-39-1. — S. 549–556. — Bibliogr. s. 555–556, Abstr.

  • keywords: numerical modelling, water protection, contaminants migration

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